

Mixed-Use, Commercial & Offices

The Place, Mivida

Mixed-Use, Commercial & Offices

The Place, Mivida


As the local consultant, we have cooperated with Whitespace Architects Studio USA on this major mixed-use project. 

The Place consists of two parcels that have the ultimate privilege of a premium location within Mivida’s commercial quarter connected with the business park and the Boulevard with direct access to the main entrance on the 90th Avenue.

There are multiple building typologies all enjoying an industrial facade, timeless architecture along with an “old souq” inspired retail experience. 

The outdoor connecting spaces include elegant steps, geometric pavements, stripped greenery, and freestanding urban furniture complementing the overall visitor experience in this unique mixed-use project.


Emaar Misr


Concept and schematic design tendered to contractors as a design built scope


All disciplines

Land Area

BUA of 104,112 sqm


New Cairo, Egypt