In 2030, we set the benchmark of quality, efficiency, and creativity in the design profession in the region; We contributed to the integration of this part of the world to the global economy through our innovative ideas; and we made our clients proud of their prospering investment projects.


To proudly and confidently offer creative, responsive and comprehensive architecture and planning design services to both the public and private sectors in Egypt, the Middle East and Africa, honoring human dimensions and respecting nature.


Our Code of conduct is derived from the International Union of Architects (UIA) Professional Conduct and the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, adding to them the specificities of our cultural and social norms and values.


Creativity , Efficiency , Perfection , Flexibility , Mutual respect , Transparency & Progressiveness are our Core Values

Material Bidders

KAD Projects Management Material Bidders for Information Technology Company (SHC) KAD established a strategic partnership with Material Bidders for Information Technology (MB), a share holding company, based in Egypt, providing a procurement management application for real estate and contracting companies.

KADesigns Egypt

KADesigns which abbreviates kader & Associates Designs based in Egypt KAD combines innavation, quality expertise and a variety of cultural backgrouvnds in a unque mix, thus delivering high-end services and reliability

KADesigns Dubai

KADesigns and its subsidiary “KAD for Projects Management”, a LLC based in Dubai-UAE-, manages the operations of KADesigns in the Gulf Region and the Middle East in general, with KAD-PM in close proximity to our business partners from International consulting firms to main suppliers based in the UAE.
